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21036 S. Leland Road Oregon City United States
Carrie Moore Studios is the official website of Oregon artist: Carrie Moore and the Studio on the Knoll in Oregon City. Carrie works in several media, including: pastel, leather, and linocuts.
Raised in the Netherlands where she studied fine arts, Marjolein (pronounced Ma-ree-uh-line) Dallinga is referred to by many as the "wool whisperer". Her work was discovered by the creative world of Cirque du Soleil, where she creates fascinating and unusual costuming. A renowned teacher and sought after sculptor, she teaches and shows all over the world. She comes to Carrie Moore Studios for two May 2019 workshops. Beginner/Novice felters: April 27-29, 2019; $475. Advanced felters: 5-day Experimental Sculpure Intensive May 1-5, 2019; $775. The works are achieved through sculpting and dyeing with felt. Focusing on the creative journey, not the end result, broadens this experiential, experimental and fantastic workshop! Contact Jean Keertan at 503-519-0039 or by email: Additional info at See more of Marjolein’ amazing creations at